30 Sad Quotes About the Loss of a Mother

Your mother has been your best friend and teacher since you opened your eyes to this world. She is the one who raised you, played with you, and relieved your heartaches with her unconditional love. In other words, your mother is the most important part of your life without whom you cannot imagine your life.

After losing the mother, it can be a distressing time for you, especially when you watch your friends, cousins or even strangers sharing their good and bad times with their mothers.

Mother's Day is approaching, and it is the best time to honor and remember your mom with the memorial mother death quotes. Remembering your mother by reading sad quotes can help you remember all the positive things she had done for you. It can be proved as a great way to feel her presence and cope with the grief of losing the most important person in your life.

Here are some sad quotes about the loss of a mother that can make you cry, make you feel her divine presence or sometimes make you get through the grief of the loss of your mother.

Emotional Missing Quotes

When you realize you will never get to see your mom again you can instantly be filled with grief and emotions. Here are a few emotional quotes to reminisce about the memories of your mom.

  • "When death takes your mother, it steals that word forever." — Mitch Albom.

  • "No daughter and mother should ever live apart, no matter what the distance between them." — Christie Watson.

  • "Mothers never really die, they just keep the house up in the sky, They polish the sun by day and light the stars that shine at night, keep the moonbeams silvery bright and in the heavenly home above they wait to welcome those they love." — Helen Steiner Rice.

  • "Whenever I am missing you, I also remember how fortunate I was that you were in my life. I wouldn't trade those moments for the world." — Cindy Adkins.

  • "I miss the warmth of your gentle hug and the love I felt when my arms were wrapped around you. I miss seeing your beautiful smile and the sound of your voice saying my name. I miss hearing you say, "I love you," and me saying, "I love you" in return." ― Millie P. Lorenz.

  • "Your death was a brutal lesson to me that life is so fickle. I wish destiny had given this lesson to me in a different way." — Unknown.

  • "Mom, you are the most beautiful memory I kept locked inside my heart." — Narin Grewal.

  • "Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure. You are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure." — Renee Wood.

  • "I know everyone calls heaven so beautiful- because it has my mother. I miss you, mom." — Unknown.

  • "Mom, your death has caged me in pain, agony and misery. But I don't mind suffering, at least it has set you free." — Unknown.

Comforting Sad Quotes

Your mother is not physically available for you anymore, but you know that her love and teachings will always guide you in the journey of your life. Here are a few mother death quotes that will comfort your heart.

  • "What is lovely never dies, but passes into other loveliness." — Thomas Bailey Aldrich.

  • "Mother, you left us beautiful memories, your love is still our guide, although we cannot see you, you're always at our side." — Unknown.

  • "I know you are listening from above. There's nothing that I value more than your love. No matter what I am doing, your memories will always keep me smiling." — Unknown.

  • "Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day." — Unknown.

  • "Loss of a mother can never be replaced, but the love of a mother can never be lost." — Kelly Flannery.

  • "A mother holds her children's hands for a while, their hearts forever." — Unknown.

  • "I remember my mother's prayers and they have followed me. They have clung to me my entire life." — Abraham Lincoln.

  • "Motherhood. All love begins and ends there." — Robert Browning.

  • "My mother had a slender, small body, but a large heart- a heart so large that everybody's joy found a welcome in it, and hospitable accommodation." — Mark Twain.

  • "The world changes from year to year, our lives from day to day, but the love and memory of you shall never pass away." — Unknown.

Inspirational Sad Quotes

Loss of a mother is probably one of the most difficult phases that any of us will have to deal with in our lives. These inspirational quotes of a mother's loss can help them to overcome grief to some extent.

  • "What we have once enjoyed deeply we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us." — Helen Keller.

  • "I cried endlessly when you died but I promise, I won't let the tears mar the smiles that you have given me when you were alive." — Unknown.

  • "Whenever I am missing you, I also remember how fortunate I was that you were in my life. I wouldn't trade those moments for the world." — Cindy Adkins.

  • "Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard but always near, still loved, still missed, and held so dear." — Unknown.

  • "You may be gone from my sight, but you are never gone from my heart." — Unknown.

  • "I have an angel watching over me. She is my mom." — Unknown.

  • "Mothers never really die, they just keep the house up in the sky, They polish the sun by day and light the stars that shine at night, keep the moonbeams silvery bright and in the heavenly home above they wait to welcome those they love." — Helen Steiner Rice.

  • "Most people can only dream of seeing an angel. I had the pleasure of living my whole life with one, and remembering her after she flew away into the heavens." — Unknown.

  • "All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." — Abraham Lincoln.

  • "I will always remember the things you taught me and how much you love me." — Unknown.

In the End

These sad quotes about the loss of a mother can heal your pain and grief of losing your angel mother. Mothers' blessings and love are always with their children, and you will get to realize this once again while reading these quotes.

Jatinder Kaur
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I am Jatinder Kaur and it has been more than 10 years since I have started writing on life, love and relationships. I love to read and write on hope and dedication that can inspire anyone to achieve success in life both in career and relationships. For me, life is not just about resources, but it’s about having peace and satisfaction in what you do. It’s good to be adventurous in life, but it doesn’t go well with relationships. You have to be calm and loyal to make your relations flourishing.