Believe it or not, the signs he wants more than sex in a relationship are quite obvious, so you won't have any problems with recognizing them. However, I completely understand your concern. In modern-day dating, you never know what someone actually wants from you. Everything has become normalized, even one night stands. Some people don't even think about what will happen after the hookup, and they don't ask themselves "is it more than sex?" That's why you need to search for clues if you want to know what he truly wants from you. Here you can find 12 recognizable things which he will do if he wants something other than a physical relationship. If he does any of these things, you really needn't worry about his intentions.
1. He shows you off on social media
A man who is proud that he can spend time with you will never hide you from other people. He doesn't have to boast about your dates on social media, but if he tags you in his stories on Instagram, for example, that's a very good sign. Broadly speaking, men usually never talk about women who he has a purely physical relationship with, due to many reasons. Men know that it's very petty to talk about such things, and everybody wants to be a gentleman.
2. He gets jealous
If he is jealous in any case, that's the sign he cares about you. If he's not your boyfriend, you can do whatever you like when you're not around him. However, do not make him jealous on purpose. It's something no one should do, and it's easy to see through. Therefore, just be yourself and hang out with your male friends as usual. If you notice his jealousy, that's a very good sign. He doesn't want to share you with other men.
3. He is interested in your daily life
Casual physical relationships don't involve conversations about regular day things. Why would he be interested in your daily life if the only thing he wants from you is sex? Maybe he's just talkative, but then again, if he asks about you and your life, that means that he is interested in your personality as well. Always respond to these kinds of questions.
4. He talks about his goals and dreams
Men rarely talk about their goals with other people. If he tells you about his hopes and dreams, consider yourself privileged. That means that he respects you and values your opinion. Maybe he even sees you as a suitable partner. You should show your interest and ask him more questions. If you get close on a mental level, the emotional one is most likely to be next.
5. He compliments your personality
Yes, it's great to hear that your body looks good, but that's something any man can tell you. Your body is visible to everyone, but if he pays attention to your personality and even compliments it, you are very lucky. Almost no man would use a smart and interesting girl for sex. Trust me, if he wanted only sex, he would never even pay attention to your personality. Men usually don't complicate things and there's nothing ambiguous about their behavior.
6. He never ignores your texts or calls
If he never keeps you waiting for a response, that's great! We are all busy, and he manages to make time to answer all of your messages. Even if it takes him a bit longer to reply, the most important thing is that he responds. That means he actually cares. Of course, if it takes more than two or three days to respond, that's not a very good sign. Either he forgot, or he just tries to keep you attached to him. Nonetheless, if you chat on a daily basis, don't worry. He's interested.
7. He is willing to please you
He buys you little presents, behaves like a true gentleman, and pleases you all the time? It's only a matter of time when you two will end up together. Just don't rush things. There is one thing you should keep in mind, though; being friendly doesn't mean pleasing someone. Don't mix these two things.
8. He stays over to cuddle all night
If he does this, never ask yourself questions like "does he want more than sex?" again. Men are not as sentimental as women, but when they are cuddly and cute in front of you, that means he thinks that you two are really close. What's more important, he likes your company.
9. He texts you first
Does he slide in your DMs just to ask you how you feel? Does he reply or reacts to your Instagram stories? If he initiates the conversation first, you have nothing to worry about. Why would he text a girl who he uses only for sex? Also, pay attention to the messages he sends you. If it's just about your meetings, then that's bad. But if he, for example, remembers your exams or job and asks you about them, that means that you two are close and your relationship is not strictly on a physical level.
10. He calls you on all kinds of interesting dates
It's important that you spend a lot of time outside. If he initiates crazy and fun dates, he actually wants to amaze you and make you feel great. For example, if you two decide to go shopping together, that can be rather fun. The only thing that matters is that you're not seeing each other only in a room.
11. He wants to travel with you
Well, this is maybe a bit too much to expect from someone who is not your boyfriend, or at least a good friend. But, if he actually wants to travel with you, you never have to be in two minds regarding his intentions towards you. You don't have to go to some exotic and expensive destinations. You can even just talk about traveling. If he's willing to do that, that's a very good thing.
12. He would like you to meet his friends or even family
You've met his friends? Good. You've met his family members? Even better! Like I've said before, men usually don't have much respect towards women who only sleep with them. If his friends know you, and especially, if they know that you two are a thing, that's good. But if you meet his relatives, be really happy if he doesn't introduce you as a friend of his.
It's completely okay to ask yourself "does he want more than sex?" because you can never know someone's hidden intentions. However, these 12 signs can clear the mist of obscurity and illuminate the situation you are in. Don't fret, and just observe. You will be able to find answers soon.