6 True Reasons Why Men Hide Their Feelings

It's not true that men are emotionless or significantly colder than women, but it's a well-known fact that men perceive things differently. There are many reasons for them to express their feelings seemingly less than women. Culture has a vast influence on us, and men have always wanted to be tough and brave because it's in our culture. A man also has feelings, but he shows them in a different way. So, why do men hide their feelings? Here are the six main reasons for them to do so.

1. They were taught to be strong since childhood

This is one of the main reasons why men hide their feelings. Since they are born, they are taught to be tough and not to cry, even if they feel a strong urge to do that. Among men, crying, for example, is a sign of weakness, and guys want to prove that they are "true men". Culture has had a major impact on men and instigated this kind of behavior since the beginning of civilization. A man who appears to be weak is not good enough and not respected in society. Showing emotions is a sign of weakness, so men try to seem as emotionless as possible, especially in front of other men. Don't be mad at your partner if he wants to seem tough. In his mind, it's his duty to be manly and strong.

2. They need more time to understand their feelings

Men don't analyze emotions as much as women do, and that's okay. Men are just slightly different. When they feel something, they don't pay much attention to it at first, but as time passes by, they realize that something's going on inside of them. Then they start to think about it more. The main reason for this is that men are just simple and don't think too much. Sometimes, they don't even realize that they feel a strong emotion. As a partner, you should have understanding, and you shouldn't condemn your man's nature. Be patient and wait for him to figure some things out on his own.

3. They don't want to let their loved ones worry about them

Truth be told, no one wants to be a reason for anyone's worry. Men want to be considered reliable, so they don't want to burden other people with their problems. In their mind, a true man handles his problems all by himself. If you notice that your man is struggling even though he doesn't want to admit it, try to assure him that he can and that he should rely on you. Partners are there to help one another. Explain to him that it will make you happy if he lets you help and that he's not a burden at all.

4. They are scared of their feelings being used

Since men don't pay too much attention to feelings, it hurts them really bad when someone takes advantage of their feelings. I know a lot of men who came out of some relationships completely shattered. There is also a high possibility that most of them have experienced something like this before, and due to that, they choose to hide their emotions. Women usually have their feelings hurt more often, and since they are naturally more sensitive, that makes them more resilient to emotional pain. Trust me, men also have feelings, but if they've had bad experiences in the past, they might be much harder to reach. Prove your man that you can be trusted and that you are caring and devoted. In time, he will let his guard down and become much more loving and gentle.

5. They want to be protective

How can they protect the ones they hold dear if they are weak? That's why men try to be cold-headed and as rational as possible. Showing feelings might make them seem unable to be a true guardian, so they try to hide them. That doesn't mean that they feel nothing. They just got used to being cold in situations where their help is needed. Understand their desire to help others, because they see that as their duty. That's why a lot of men work out; to be strong and agile. But apart from physical strength, they want to be mentally stable as well. You should show your man that he can relax and that you are there to protect him as well, just in a slightly different way. Also, show him how much you value his protectiveness. He will be delighted and feel like a true man.

6. They just have their own unique ways of expressing emotions

Men and women are completely different, and there's no doubt in that. We think, and even feel differently. Furthermore, we all have different personalities, so the way we express emotions can vary a lot. Maybe you think that your man feels nothing towards you, but you might be misinterpreting what he says and does. Maybe he has his own, completely unique way of showing affection. Maybe he tries to provide for you and make you laugh, instead of cuddling or saying sweet words. True emotions are not expressed with words, anyway. My advice is to freely show him affection in your own way and not be afraid of doing so. Sometimes it's scary to show emotions if the other person seems much colder, but don't let fear stop you from giving love to your man. He probably just has his own ways of loving you, so just get to know him better, and you will notice the way he shows his emotions.


Men hide their feelings for many reasons, but these are the six main ones. Have patience and understanding, because men try their best to be as better as they can. Just show them that you are there for your man, and try to figure out what his ways of showing love and affection are.

Ana Djurovic
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Hello, my name is Ana Djurovic, and I am a writer interested in various kinds of fields, such as beauty, fitness, art and traveling. I am very curious and always in need to expand my knowledge. I enjoy writing because it's something I can fully invest myself in. I think sharing our stories and experiences is what brings us together.