Things That Will Make Him Find You Attractive

Every guy has his preferences when it comes to hobbies and other such things, and if they see that you like the same things, they may find you more attractive. There are more aspects that would make you attractive to him. Remember, beauty goes beyond physical looks – attractiveness is based on various other things. So, what do guys find attractive?

A Tilt and Gaze

When it comes to what do boys find attractive, you may be totally surprised by this tip. One of the things that guys find very attractive in a woman is when she tilts her head and looks up with her eyes. According to an Australian study, this is probably one of the most attractive positions. Next time you're with your boyfriend, try doing this now and then.

Being Sweet to Children

Even if neither of you wants children at the moment, that doesn't mean your boyfriend will not love seeing you being sweet to babies and toddlers. Actually, he is going to love it. He will find it special that you know how to treat a child in a cute way, probably because he can see your maternal instincts.

Biting Your Lip

Pictures of lip biting have circulated for a long time and what's truly interesting is that men like this gesture. Of course, you should do it in an appropriate situation – so, when you think the time's right, try biting your lip. He is going to love it, for sure.

Wearing His Big T-Shirt

His clothes may not fit you, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't find it hot if he saw you wearing his oversized T-shirt. Believe it or not, men love it when you wear their shirts. It reveals your legs, and if you combine it with a few unbuttoned buttons, his mind will go crazy.

If you want him to never get tired of looking at you, you should consider stealing his shirt now and then. He will not be mad at you for it.

Having Good Hair

Who said that guys are only attracted to female body proportions? Although those play a role in your physical appearance, many guys love seeing a woman with good, beautiful hair. In fact, hair is one of the first things they notice in a woman. According to a survey conducted in 2013 by, 89% of the men who answered mentioned that they notice the hair first.

At the same time, 71% of the women taking the survey said that they never once thought hair could be one of the things that would attract men.

In reality, the better the hair looks, the more attractive the woman will be. If you have greasy hair or have too much product in it, then he will potentially find it a turnoff. While dying your hair may not make a man run away, it's best to refrain from dyeing it unnatural colors. According to scientific findings, men find hair a health indicator, and based on how good it looks, it reveals the potential of having children.

So, when thinking of what makes a woman attractive physically, consider taking care of your hair as well.

Be Decisive

We all know that situation when your partner asks you where you want to eat, and your only answer is "I don't know" or "Wherever you want to eat." You're not helping at all, and being so indecisive is not an attractive trait.

You need to be a little more assertive and give a confident answer. When your man asks you "What should we eat for dinner?", you best think of something. That's not to say that you always need to have the answer to every question, but if you show that you're not totally dependent on him to decide everything for your relationship, you will surely be more attractive.

Show Him Appreciation

If your man does something nice for you, don't take it for granted; appreciate his effort. After all, it's not hard to say "thank you" for a loving gesture. For example, if he makes breakfast for you or brings you some cake, you should show him how much you like that. Guys want to feel appreciated, and he'll love the fact that he has such a nice woman next to him who values his efforts even if sometimes it's not a success.

Being Passionate About Something

Your man already knows you're passionate about him – you wouldn't be together otherwise. Apart from that, he would also like to see you being passionate about something else, such as a cause or a hobby.

When you show that you're not that needy and that you have something going for yourself, he will love that. He will love seeing his girlfriend working hard for something she enjoys, and being happy doing so. Therefore, make sure you're not only focusing on your boyfriend – it's okay to do other things that don't involve him all the time.

Final Thoughts

Do you want your boyfriend to never stop being attracted to you? When it comes to what guys find attractive, you should know that certain things will make him look at you in adoration. And as you were able to see, the attraction isn't only physical. You need to connect on an emotional and spiritual level too, and by using some of the tips above, you will make him fall in love more and more with each passing day.

Mark Davis
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I'm a professional writer and systems analyst. My interests are sociology and philosophy. I love exploring human interaction, our need for companionship and how to hone the tools necessary to create lasting, meaningful bonds with one another.